BREAKING: Rand Paul Comes Out of the CLOSET To Reveal MASSIVE SCANDAL About Obama… JAIL TIME SOON!

Rand Paul is joining Trump in the war against Obama’s wiretapping. Obama didn’t only spy Trump but Rand Paul if things are confirmed. Rand Paul wrote: “I have formally requested from the WH and the Intel Committees info on whether I was surveilled by Obama admin and or the Intel community!” “Did the Obama admin go after presidential candidates, members of Congress, journalists, clergy, lawyers, fed judges?” “Did the Obama admin use warrantless ‘wiretapping’ on other candidates besides @realDonaldTrump?” Apparently, former President Obama used his position to observe Donald Trump and his campaign while he was competing in the presidential elections. Senator Rand Paul is determined to find the truth about Obama’s requests to his National Security Adviser, Susan Rice to start the monitoring. Everything is connected, so if Trump’s privacy was disrupted, also, the privacy of the Americans was also violated. Paul questioned: “Did the president directs ...