Laura Ingraham Just Slammed George Bush For Criticizing Trump’s Immigration Policies

On Thursday, former president George W. Bush bashed President Donald Trump for his immigration policies, much like a jealous schoolgirl. Trump has not wavered on his tough position on immigration, and America loves him for it. Bush apparently chose to side with the Democrats on this one… Bush criticized our Commander-in-Chief with comments which are now being deemed racist. “ Americans don’t want to pick cotton at 105 degrees, but there are people who want to put food on their family’s tables and are willing to do that. We ought to say thank you and welcome them.” Not only was he chastising President Trump, but he was inadvertently accusing the American people of laziness, which is completely unfair. Laura Ingraham, while speaking during “The Ingraham Angle,” had a some harsh words for our former President: “ The president should wear the tired Bush critiques as a badge of honor. Trump is doing what previous administrations were unwilling or unable to do.” Ing...